carpet grass on a hill in Texas

How to Plant Carpet Grass

Carpet grass (Axonopus affinis or A. compressus) is a warm-season grass primarily native to tropical and sub-tropical regions such as Africa and the Caribbean. 


According to HGIC, the carpet grass came into the United States in the 1800s. It’s also called Louisiana grass and has become naturalized in the Southeastern states, specifically to those poor, drained soils. This type of grass spreads through creeping stolon’s. Carpet grass doesn’t produce a high-quality lawn, but it’s a great option if your turf has poor soil.


Pros & Cons of Carpet Grass According to Mckays


  • Can grow in a low fertile land

  • Can thrive in very wet soil, in shady areas, and sandy soils

  •  Weed-resistant

  • Self-repairing

  • Low-maintenance

  • Great for erosion control



  • Not very drought tolerant

  • Not well-suited with saline soils

  • Unattractive color

  • Rapidly growing seed heads

  • Needs frequent mowing


Things You’ll Need in Planting Carpet Grass.

  • Soil test kit

  • Lime or sulfur

  • Rototiller

  • Sphagnum peat or topsoil

  • Rake

  • Fertilizer

  • Garden hose

  • Carpet grass seed

  • Mechanical seed spreader

  • Grass drill


Steps in Planting Carpet Grass

Having no adequate knowledge of planting carpet grass steps can be time-consuming and can result in unproductive planting. Find these helpful steps for your carpet grass planting activity below.


  • Prepare the Site

  • Step #1 Test the Soil for PH Level

 Test your soil PH level using a soil test kit, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Carpet grass can thrive in naturally acidic soil with a ph level of 5.0 to 7. if the ph level of your soil is too low, you can apply lime to increase your soil ph level. If your soil ph level is too high, you can adjust its ph level through the application of elemental sulfur.


  • Step #2 Improve the Soil

You must improve your soil by applying one to two inches of organic material and till it from three to six inches deep into the earth. You can also place six to eight inches of topsoil cultivated into eight to twelve inches of soil. 


  • Step #3 Remove Debris

Remove debris such as twigs, roots, stones, and any other debris that can affect the seedling’s growth.


  • Step #4 Spread the Fertilizer

Spread the fertilizer, providing one pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of your area. Make sure to spread it evenly. Additionally, till the soil from 10 to 12 inches to combine nitrogen and improvements, if needed, to loosen the loam.


  • Step #5 Rake the Soil

Rake the soil using a long-handled garden rake and make sure to smoothen it before leaving. 


  • Step # 6 Keep the Soil Moist

Water the soil and make sure it’s regularly moist for the first week and let it settle before planting. Ten weeks after planting, the seedlings should be established and starting to spread.


  • Seeding

  • Step #1 Spread Grass Seed

Spread the carpet grass seed using a mechanical seed spreader to disseminate the carpet grass seeds to your lawn area. It’s best to sow seeds in April or May.


  •  Step #2 Rake Lightly

Smoothen the soil by raking it lightly to cover the sown seed. You can also use a shovel to draw over the seeded area. Harrow averts the ponding of grains in low places.


  • Step #3 Keep the Soil Moist

After you have sown the seed, you must monitor the moisture level of the soil. You must not the soil get dried up. Water it lightly to keep the soil moist. It will take about seven to eight weeks before your carpet grass lawn gets established. 


  • Step #4 Monthly Fertilization

To help your lawn get well-established, make sure to fertilize monthly. One pound of nitrogen equates to 1,000 square feet of your yard.


  • Sprigging

  • Step #1 Plant the Sprigs Instead of Spreading

Plant sprigs in two-inch furrows and put them at least six to twelve inches apart.

  • Step #2 Cover the Broadcast Stolon’s

Go to the planting area and cover the stolon’s using a motorized disking machine.

  • Step #3 Water the Soil

Make sure not to forget to water the soil to keep it moisturized until the stolon’s start to creep and your lawn gets established.


There you have it! These are some of the steps that you can follow when planting carpet grass for your lawn. To know more about carpet grass, you may refer to the extra information below.


More Info About Carpet Grass

Carpet grass is a tough perennial grass that is a dynamic spreader and is low maintenance. It is specifically best-suited to regions prone to low fertility, acidic, or ordinarily have infertile soils. It can resist unfavorable conditions and develop well regardless.


The name originates from its dense and low growing variety.

The carpet grass will grow best in the Tropical, subtropical, and warmer moderate climates. Despite the preference for more temperate areas, carpet grass can still endure up to 50 percent shade without being adversely afflicted. 


If you want to use it for your backyard lawn, the dynamic spread of Carpet Grass may cause dilemmas if you have not got decent barriers in place to stop the grass from reaching other areas of your garden. It is essential to ensure that your flower beds are well fenced to make sure you’ll notice any potential creepers that you’ll need to include in your next maintenance.


Carpet grass may have negative traits, but its positive attributes exceed compared to its negative counterpart. This type of grass also is hassle-free when it comes to maintenance. If you are in a country where there is a reliable supply of rain and typically has warm weather conditions, you can even try to forget about watering it. 


The best thing about carpet grass is that it can put up with acidic soils with a ph level of 4 and thrive in soil with a 5-6 PH level. This grass is perfect if you live in an area with bad soil conditions, and it will still flourish. 


This grass may not be your typical turf grass, but it can be a good option if you have weak soil conditions and don’t want to maintain your lawn regularly. According to NC State Publication, carpet grass only requires 1 pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet each year, and they don’t suffer from any weed problem because they grow vibrantly and spread well.

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